Late Sri. Y S Rajasekhara Reddy was very supportive of our movement since the day it had reached to his notice. It was his constant support which ensured that the Fee Regulatory Committee presented their report in record 10 calendar days and the same was released in the form of an amended GO within a month. Ministers Sr. Danam Nagender - Minister for Health, Sri D. Manikya Vara Prasada Rao - Minister for Education, Several government officials like Sri. Suresh Chander, IAS - Secretary to Govt (SE), Smt.Poonam Malakondaiah, IAS - Director & Commissioner, Department of School Education, Sri Navin Mittal, IAS - Collector of Hyderabad, Mr Luv Agarwal, IAS - Commissioner, Intermediate Education; were all supporting the plight of parents in AP state and were providing all support to HSPA members under Dr. YSR’s leadership.
All the parents in AP will always remain grateful to him….
We pray to God that his soul rests in peace.
All the parents in AP will always remain grateful to him….
We pray to God that his soul rests in peace.