We've believed & have been vocal in many forums that most school are practising schooling as money minting business, run under the societies act & accredited to many bodies with almost no compliance to any of the clauses of the laws.
We've been raising our voice & did see some support from Government as well as High Court, but lost out in the confusion there upon. New academic session is starting in next few months/weeks, all schools have raised the fee for the next academic session without any proper reasoning nor fear of anyt one.
CBSE on 22nd Feb, 2011 has released a circular to all its affiliated schools across India clearly stating that they can't hike fee's at their whims & fancies, but follow the process. Who would ever say any legitimate raise in fee is a hike ? We're only objecting to the practises being followed by greedy managements hiking fee's for no reasons, just to fill in their bags !
Click below & read the CAG report for your self, which talks about the audit findings on schools in NCR reagion. Mind its no different else where in India.
When Tamil nadu government went ahead on defining the school fee, school wise after audit, similar findings were found. They went ahead unlike any other State Government & dictated the fee schools need to collect. This was done with no intrusion to a private enterprise, but to make sure schooling is not commercialised. This was the very basis on which our High Court upheld the order in favour of GoAP & Parents last August. Today there are many such cases pending with HC or State Governments in Maharastra, Goa, Haryana, UP, Uttaranchal, MP etc states across India.
Time for us to demand what is right or in pure commercial terms "what is true value of money we're paying for". Mind you, we're not demanding out of greed or frustration but to make sure the education (basic right of a child) is within the reach of common man in India - today, tomorrow & fr ever.
Your support alone can make this happen.
Demand for what is right for your children
Join, Spread & Raise your voice !